Management council profile
Acting CEO and CFO
In a professional career experience spanning over 32 years, Riyaaz counts 28 years in the field of mobile telecommunications, working for subsidiaries of multinational corporations like Millicom International Cellular SA of Luxemburg (Millicom), Emirates Telecommunication Group Company PJSC (etisalat) and CK Hutchison Group (Hutchison).
Riyaaz started his professional career at Ernst & Young and his last assignment prior to joining Robi was as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Hutchison Telecommunications, Sri Lanka. Prior to Hutchison Telecommunications, Riyaaz also served Etisalat in Sri Lanka as its Deputy CEO and Chief Financial Officer.
He has also served as the Chief Financial Officer of Celltel Lanka Limited and Tigo Lanka Private Limited in Sri Lanka. Riyaaz has also worked in the Sri Lankan conglomerate, Hayleys Group of Companies for over 03 years prior to venturing into mobile telecommunications.
He holds a MBA from the Postgraduate Institute of Management of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka (MBA PIM), and a Bachelor’s Degree in Pure Sciences (BSc).
Riyaaz is a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute Management Accountants of UK (FCMA UK) a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA), and a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Management Accounts of Sri Lanka (FCMA SL).
Chief Commercial Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Chief Corporate and Regulatory Officer
Chief Strategy Officer
Chief Human Resources Officer
Acting Chief Information Officer