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Health Plus

Robi Health Plus Service

Health Plus is a Robi Branded 360-degree healthcare solution service for Robi customers. This service largely entails mobile insurance for its subscribers. It has an App as well which is available in the Playstore. You can enjoy several benefits using this app. This service is available through SMS, IVR & WAP as well.

Benefits through App:

1. Live video call consultancy with specialized doctors

2. Live audio call consultancy with specialized doctors

3. Doctor’s Advice video on different diseases (Categorized wise video)

4. Daily Health Tips via SMS

5. Doctor Appointments booking

6. Blood Bank information

7. Dengue Awareness video and Dengue Affected and non-affected areas information map, opportunity to inform affected and non-affected areas along with email facilities to let know DGHS and Its Severity

8. Medicine Reminder

9. Health Insurance Facilities in hospitalization including in (IPD) and outpatient (OPD) benefits cashback offer (Including Dengue affected)

10. One-time cashback offer for COVID-19 (If tested positive)

11. Healthy life Features (BMI calculator, Diet Plan, Reminder)

12. Life and accidental insurance coverage

13. Information on specialized Doctor

14. Nearest Hospital

15. Nearest Pharmacy

16. Blog on Health & Nutrition-related information

17. Health & Fitness calculation

18. Effective medical education for improving your medical knowledge

All these benefits are available in health plus app at a very affordable fee. It’s a daily subscription-based service where subscribed user will charge only at 2.5 BDT (VAT +SD+SC) /daily + (VAT, SC and SD) and can get access to use all of the above-mentioned features. User can get access to this service through SMS, IVR, WAP &/or Android APP. During subscription of the service user will be able to choose their category wise pack activation with mentioned subscription charge amount 2.5 BDT (VAT +SD+SC) (Health Plus Daily pack or Student Pack or Family Pack)

Upon successful subscription, the user will be able to enjoy below benefits through different channels:

SL.Features nameBenefitsChannel
1Doctor’s Advice (Recorded video)Watch specialized doctor’s advice different health matters and diseases. All content are in Bangla.WAP/APP
2Doctor’s Advice & health related recorded contentListen specialized doctor’s advice and health related recorded content anytime by Dialing IVR port 28477. Dialing this port is completely free for registered users.IVR
3Health & Nutrition tipsRegistered user will get daily one health & Nutrition tips by SMSSMS
4Health and Nutrition blog & Fitness calculationUser can read different health & Nutrition related topic. This segment has categorized with different health related topics so that user can easily get their relevant information. User can read different health & Nutrition related topic. This segment has categorized with different health related topics so that user can easily get their relevant information.APP/WAP
5Live consultancy with specialized doctors (Audio & Video)Based on health needs, user can make a direct call to specialized doctor to consult about different health related issues through APP & IVR. Doctors will be available from 9 AM to 10 PM (except Friday & Govt. holidays)APP/WAP/IVR
6Information of specialized Doctors, with hospital InformationA wide range of doctor’s database is available in APP. User can easily search his /her desired doctor information.FREE for all APP/WAP users
7Nearest Hospital InformationGet the nearest hospital information at any time.
8Information of nearest PharmacyGet the nearest Pharmacy information at any time.
9Life insurance coverageBased on the monthly deduction, registered user can get BDT 1 Lac (Maximum) for normal death coverage or BDT 1 Lac (Maximum) for accidental death coverage for next month. (Please see the exclusion list below)Added benefit
10Health Insurance facilitiesBased on the monthly deduction, registered user can avail yearly BDT 30,000(Maximum) for in-patient (IPD) cash back benefit and yearly BDT 3,000(Maximum) for outpatient (OPD) cash back benefit. Beside that (Daily Pack) covid 19 affected patient will get BDT. 3,000 benefit for IPD and OPD separately. User needs to be a paid subscriber of this service to avail this yearly benefit (please see the details below)Added benefit
11Student pack Scholarship benefitsBased on the monthly deduction, student pack registered student can avail yearly BDT. 30,000 (Maximum) if student get GPA 5 (golden) in SSC/HSC or GPA 4.00 from any govt. authorized universities to avail BDT. 30000/ Yearly as reward (10,000 each claim up to 3 times in a Year) or can get BDT. 30,000/- one-time compensation amount if student lost their parents (Father or mother) during student. Beside that student pack registered student can avail existing Health Plus Service all features and benefits except out -patient (OPD) cash back offer.
User needs to be a paid subscriber of this service to avail this yearly benefit (please see the details below)
Added benefit
12Family pack insurance facilitiesBased on the monthly deduction amount, the registered users can avail 1 Lac (Maximum) for the normal and accidental death of his/her family members (Eligible F1amily Members Number: Self+ Maximum 2 Family Members) and can claim BDT. 30,000/ Yearly for IPD and 3,000/Yearly for OPD. It’s applicable for family members/ User needs to be a paid subscriber of this service to avail of this yearly benefit (please see the details below)Added benefit
13Health Life (BMI Calculator & Diet Plan)All the subscribed users will get the Healthy life feat The user User gets the below facilities –
The body mass index (BMI) calculator
Diet Plan
Event/Exercise Reminder
Nutrition Advice
Added benefit
14Covid-19 Cashback offerUnder Health plus Daily pack registered user will be able to get BDT.3,000/- one time for COVID-19 ( If tested positive)Added benefit

How to subscribe & unsubscribe the Health Plus service (Pack wise registration process)

Through SMS: User can subscribe to Health Plus by following below process:

Service NameOperatorActivation keywordDeactivation KeywordShort codePack validitySubscription type
Health Plus Daily PackFrom RobiSTART RHSTOP RH2847728477 1 DayRenewal
From AirtelSTART AHSTOP AH1 DayRenewal
Health Plus Family PackFrom RobiSTART FHSSTOP FHS1 DayRenewal
From AirtelSTART HPFSSTOP HPFS1 DayRenewal
Health Plus Student PackFrom RobiSTART RPSTOP RP1 DayRenewal
From AirtelSTART APSTOP AP1 DayRenewal

OR dial IVR code 28477 and follow the instruction.

OR visit (WAP sites)

OR you can download the Android App from Google Play store from your Android handset  and use the service by visiting the app.

For USSD Activation & Deactivation Dial:

Service NameActivation & De-activation USSD
Health Plus Daily PackActivation: *28477#
De-activation: *28477*102#
Health Plus Student PackActivation: *28477*30#
De-activation: *28477*302#
Health Plus Family PackActivation: *28477*20#
De-activation: *28477*202#
PackagePrice in BDT (Exluding VAT, SD & SC)Validity in daysRenewal
Health Plus Daily Pack2.5 BDT (VAT +SD+SC)1Yes
Health Plus Student Pack2.5 BDT (VAT +SD+SC)
Health Plus Family Pack2.5 BDT (VAT +SD+SC)


Data charge is applicable for browsing the app, streaming the videos, etc.

VAT, SD & SC will be applicable on tariff charge.

IVR browsing and the charge for the short code 28477 is ZERO

No SMS charge for opt-in/opt-out

Please note, after cancelling the service, the user will not be entitled for any benefit from health plus.

Details of Life and Health insurance benefits

Eligible subscribers will have the opportunity to enjoy complimentary life coverage & accidental death coverage upon opt-in to any pack of Health Plus and consuming the respective amount monthly.

If one subscriber is active to Health Plus service for one calendar month, then he or she will be eligible to avail life and health insurance facilities for immediately the next month. The user’s privilege will be given based on the monthly charged amount from the user.

For example, if you were an active subscriber of ’Health Plus' on January 2019 and charged amount was BDT 60 (Excluding SD, VAT & SC), then you are eligible to get the facilities under Diamond plan for the month of February 2019 and so on.

There are four schemes under ‘Health Plus Daily Pack’, below are the details:

Total monthly deduction in BDT (+VAT+SD+SC)Service Slabs Packs TypeService Plan benefits in BDT (Free Insurance facilities)
Life death CoverageAccidental death CoverageIn-Patient (IPD) hospital cash backOut-patient (OPD) cash back
Equal 10 to 38Complimentary basic Plan (Subscriber’s subscription period should be minimum 30 days)35,00035,000NoneNone
Equal 40 to 48Silver Plan50,00050,000Yearly Total 20,000/- Per claim 1,000/- Yearly 20 claimsYearly total 2,000/- (Diagnostic per Test 800/- Doctor per visit 200/-)
Equal 50 to 58Gold Plan75,00075,000Yearly Total 25,000 Per claim 1,000 Yearly 25 claimsYearly total 2,500 (Diagnostic per Test 800/- Doctor per visit 200/-)
Equal to or more than 60Diamond Plan1,00,0001,00,000Yearly Total 30,000 Per claim 1,000 Yearly 30 claimsYearly total 3,000 (Diagnostic per Test 800/- Doctor per visit 200/-)

There are three schemes under ‘Health Plus Student Pack’, below are the details:

Total monthly deduction in BDT (+VAT+SD+SC)Service Slabs Packs TypeService Plan benefits in BDT (Free Insurance facilities)
Life death CoverageAccidental death CoverageIn-Patient (IPD)
Hospital cash Back
Equal 40 to 48Silver Plan50,00050,000Yearly Total 20,000/-
Per claim1,000/- Yearly 20 claims
Equal 50 to 58Gold Plan75,00075,000Yearly Total 25,000/-
Per claim1,000/- Yearly 25 claims
Equal to or more than 60Diamond Plan1,00,0001,00,000Yearly Total 30,000/-
Per claim1,000/- Yearly 30 claims

Beside health & Life insurance coverage facilities student pack registered user will be able to get Scholarship Facility as per below:

CategoriesService Persistency Plus, total service fee (+VAT+SD+SC)Condition & BenefitsRequired documents for claiming reward
Silver4 months+ minimum deduction BDT 200User must get GPA 5 (golden) in SSC/HSC or GPA 4.00 from any universities to avail BDT Yearly10000 as reward (10,000 Single claims in a Year)1. Student ID card
2. Certificate from School/college/university
3. Mark Sheet
5.Guardian Authorization (if Applicable)
6. NID (If Available)
Gold8 months+ minimum deduction BDT 400User must get GPA 5 (golden) in SSC/HSC or GPA 4.00 from any universities to avail BDT Yearly 20000 as reward (10,000 each claim up to 2 times in a Year)
Diamond12 months+ minimum deduction BDT 600User must get GPA 5 (golden) in SSC/HSC or GPA 4.00 from any universities to avail BDT Yearly 30000 as reward (10,000 each claim up to 3 times in a Year)

a)After the father or Mother death of any student pack subscriber they will get compensation Once BDT 30,000 upon the valid claim with proper document.

b)All the student pack subscriber can avail existing Health plus Service except out -patient cash back offer.

There are one schemes under ‘Health Plus Family Pack’, below are the details:

Total monthly deduction in BDT (+VAT+SD+SC)Service Slabs Packs TypeService Plan benefits in BDT (Free Insurance facilities)
Life death CoverageAccidental death CoverageIn-Patient (IPD) hospital cash Back
Equal to or more than 60Diamond Plan1,00,0001,00,000Yearly Total 30,000

Please consider below information before availing the benefits –

Death coverage:

a)Subscribers will be able to avail the life Insurance death benefit for any cause except suicide and HIV (AIDS), STD, and incurable disease.

b)Accidental death benefit for any accident cause except Murder/Homicide.

Hospitalization in Patient Cash back offer (IPD):

c)Hospitalization benefit will be applicable up to three (3) consecutive night of hospitalization in a single confinement.

d)Per night claim amount will be BDT. 1,000/-

e)Hospital cash Benefit will be provided from the first night of admission in the hospital but have to complete at least 24 hours of hospitalization in order to eligible for any claim.

Outpatient cash back offer (OPD):

f)OPD includes bills for diagnosis test and related attending physician’s visit.

g)Per claim will cover maximum 1000/- [Diagnosis test BDT 800(Maximum) + Doctor Prescription Fees BDT 200(Maximum)] for a single disability.

h)Physician visit will be fixed [BDT 200 per prescription.]

Subscribed user will get all in-patient and out-patient benefits on next month based on current month’s deduction with given yearly limit.

User has to continue the subscription and pay the service fee to avail the benefits.

Information regarding Life and health Insurance Coverage: (Applicable for All Packs)

a) All Robi/Airtel subscribers who registered to Health Plus (Any Pack) will be eligible to avail the benefit of Life/Accidental Insurance and Hospital inpatient and outpatient Cash back offer benefits.

b) Pragati Life & Shandhani Life Insurance (Supernova Insurance partner) shall pay the Benefit to the relevant Beneficiary’s Mobile Banking Service (Bkash, Nagad, Rocket) or Bank Account- count under the same Robi/Airtel Sim. Insurance partner shall pay the approved claim amount to the Beneficiary within ten (15) Working days of receipt of all the relevant claim documents.

c) Hospital cash shall be payable for not more than 10 Hospitalizations (maximum 3 consecutive nights) occurring in respect of any Eligible Subscriber and/or in respect of any given mobile number, in any given “Subscription Year”, which means 12 renewals of the standard 30 days’ membership period.

d) All respective pack eligible Subscribers shall be qualified for and entitled to receive Hospital Cash and Life/Accidental Insurance Coverage, COVID-19 cash back offer (If tested positive) and Scholarship (Student) from service insurance partner without any prior medical examination.

Claim settlement Procedure: (Applicable for All Packs)

a)Each claim settlement is the subject to following terms and conditions:

  1. Notification by the Eligible Subscriber of the relevant Covered Hospitalization to Supernova within sixty (60) days of the end of the Covered Hospitalization (or death of the Eligible Subscriber prior to settlement of a valid claim arising from this Agreement in the event of a claim by a Beneficiary other than the Eligible Subscriber);
  2. Complete Claim Documents being provided by the Beneficiary to Supernova within sixty (60) days of the end of the Covered Hospitalization (or death of the Eligible Subscriber prior to settlement of a valid claim arising from this policy in the event of a claim by a Beneficiary other than the Eligible Subscriber); and
  3. For the avoidance of doubt, any claims make after the given time period shall not be admissible unless mutually agreed otherwise.

b)In order for a claim to be made, the following documents evidencing the Covered Hospitalization (the “Claims Documents”) shall be provided by the Beneficiary:

  1. In the event of a claim made by an Eligible Subscriber, the Eligible Subscriber shall provide documentary evidence (scanned or original copies) of the hospital admission and discharge in the form of a digital copy of the Hospital Discharge Certificate; and In the event of a claim, make by the Beneficiary other than the Eligible Subscriber - upon the Eligible Subscriber’s death prior to settlement of a valid claim arising from this Policy, the relevant Beneficiary shall provide documentary evidence of the death of the Eligible Subscriber, the relationship between the Eligible Subscriber and the Beneficiary and of the Eligible Subscriber’s hospital admission;

Exclusion from health plus service benefits: (Applicable for All Packs)

Registered user shall not get any benefit for expenses or losses resulting from or incurred in connection with or in consequence of the following:

i.Exclusion for Death Claim

a) Death caused by self-inflicted injury or the commission of or attempted commission of an assault or any unlawful act or being engaged in any illegal activity or felony.

b) By participating in illegal activity is not covered.

c) Suicide while sane or insane.

d) The condition of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or any AIDS related illness or HIV virus.

ii.Exclusion for Hospital Cash Claim

a) Treatment of family planning purposes including termination of pregnancy, sterility or treatment related to assisted reproduction/ contraception.

b) Mental, emotional, or psychiatric disorders, alcoholism or any other narcotic ad- diction.

c) Obesity i.e., treatment for, or required as a result of obesity, any cosmetic or plastic treatment/surgery, unless required as reconstructive surgery as a consequence of an injury due to accidents, burns.

d) Any procedures which is experimental or not generally accepted by the medical profession viz. acupuncture, herbal/Ayurveda/homeopathy treatment and any Alternative Medical Care (AMC) etc.

e) Rest, convalescence or rejuvenation cures, thermal baths, physiotherapy or confinement for the purposes of slimming or beautification.

f) Injury arising due to accident while participating in any unlawful activities (e.g., driving a car without a license), attempted suicide, violation or attempted violation of the law, injuries willfully or intentionally self-inflicted or due to insanity or under the influence of a drug;

g) AIDS and HIV diseases.

h) Any kind of treatment related to eye / dental will not cover.

The following documents will have to be submitted along with claim form-
Required Documents: For Hospital Cash Claim

  • Scanned/Photocopy of Doctor’s Advice for hospitalization.
  • Scanned/Photocopy of Discharge Certificate.
  • Scanned/Photocopy of Hospital Bills.
  • Scanned/Photocopy of other treatment related documents [If necessary];
  • NID
  • Photo

Required Documents: For OPD

  • Scanned/Photocopy of Doctor’s prescription with seal & sign
  • Scanned/Photocopy of Diagnostics test bill copy
  • Scanned/Photocopy of Diagnostics test report
  • NID
  • Photo

Required Documents: For Life/Accidental Insurance Claim

  • Scanned copy/Photocopy of Claim Form filled-up and signed by Nominee.
  • Scanned copy/Photocopy of Death Certificate of the insured from last attending physician/clinic/hospital with registration number mentioning actual cause of death or certificate issued by Counselor of Ward in City Corporation area, Member of Union Parishad outside the City Corporation and any other legal Govt. authority authorized by the Govt.
  • Scanned copy/photocopy of either of birth certificate or secondary school certificate or National ID or passport for identity verification for Insured & Nominee
  • Scanned copy/ photocopy of Photograph of Nominee.
  • FIR copy for Death due to Accident
  • Post Marmot report for Death due to Accident.
  • NID
  • Photo

Where can I submit the claim form?

1)Courier to Supernova Techno Ltd. office address. Claim department – High Tower, 8th Floor, 9 Bir Uttam A. K Khandaker sarak, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka-1212
2)Email to Supernova claim team: by writing the subject line as Insurance policy under Health Plus and our claim team will guide for the further procession.

Where can I get additional support?

Answer: Supernova Techno Ltd. will provide dedicated support by email and Call center.

3) Email support:

4) Registered user Call center number: 284777 and (Support time 9 am to 11 PM) Except public holiday & government holiday

Q. What is Health Plus service?

Answer: Health plus service is a self-serving solution where all kinds of health-related solutions & features are available for Robi & Airtel subscribers. Subscribed users can do direct consultancy with doctors, get the benefit of life and Accidental coverage, In-Patient hospital cash benefit, Out-patient cash back facility, and much more. This is a one-stop service for complete health needs.

Q. If the user has an insufficient balance on this/her account and the system fails to charge Tk. 2.67 for the last few days then what will happen to Health plus services subscription?

Answer: The user number will be under the grace period and the system will try to deduct the subscription fee for the Robi health plus service when the user will recharge and the system finds enough balance for the deduction, the system will deduct the daily charging amount accordingly for that day only.

Q. Is there any free feature available?

Answer: Some free contents are available only in health plus Android App & Website like, specialized doctor Information, nearest hospital & pharmacy information. Other all benefits are available only in subscription-based packs.

Q. Will there be more features added to the health plus service in the future?

Answer: Yes, time-to-time more features will be added to enrich users’ health related basic needs.

Q. If customer is in grace period (system failed to deduct daily subscription fee), what will happen?

Answer: In this case, the customer will be advised to recharge his/her account for getting all the service features smoothly especially to get the insurance facilities.

Q. What will happen if the system fails to deduct any single amount from the user’s balance after activating the service? 

Answer: In this case, the customer will not get any service and insurance facilities; and the system will deactivate the service automatically after completing the grace period.

Q. If the system fails to deduct an adequate balance for the Silver / Gold / Diamond plan, is there any possibility to get any insurance facilities?

Answer: Yes, besides these three packs, there is another pack where users can easily be eligible to avail of special benefits. But the user’s subscription period should be a minimum of 30 days from the date of activation. During this subscription period, if the system is able to charge the amount between BDT 10 to 38 (Excluding VAT, SD & SC) then the user will be eligible for Free Plan.

Q. Is there any timeline to place the insurance claim (Life death & Accidental death)?

Answer: The nominee of the insurance holder must submit all necessary documents to the respective concerned person within 60 days after the occurrence to do necessary checking & evaluation. No claim will be accepted after passing 60 days.

Q. How many times I’ll able to claim Hospital cash (In-Patient hospital cash & Out-patient cashback)

Answer: Subscribed users will be able to claim hospital cash once a month and hospital cash shall be payable for not more than 10 hospitalizations occurring in respect of any eligible subscriber.

Q. What are the circumstances that do not apply to Life Death & Accident death Insurance benefits? Or what will be the probable reason for rejecting the claim (Exclusion for Death Claim)?

Answer:  Registered user shall not get any benefit for expenses or losses resulting from or incurred in connection with or in consequence of the following:

a)Death caused by self-inflicted injury or the commission of or attempted commission of an assault or any unlawful act, or being engaged in any illegal activity or felony.

b)Participating in illegal activity is not covered.

c)Suicide while sane or insane.

d) The condition of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or any AIDS-related illness or HIV virus.

Q. What are the circumstances that do not apply to In-Patient hospital cash & Out-patient cashback Insurance benefits? 

Answer: Registered user shall not get any benefit for expenses or losses resulting from or incurred in connection with or in consequence of the following:

a) Treatment of family planning purposes including termination of pregnancy, sterility, or treatment related to assisted reproduction/ contraception.

b) Mental, emotional, or psychiatric disorders, alcoholism, or any other narcotic addiction.

c) Obesity i.e., treatment for, or required as a result of obesity, any cosmetic or plastic treatment/surgery unless required as reconstructive surgery as a consequence of an injury due to accidents, burns.

d) Any procedures which are experimental or not generally accepted by the medical profession viz. acupuncture, herbal/Ayurveda/homeopathy treatment, and any Alternative Medical Care (AMC), etc.

e) Rest, convalescence or rejuvenation cures, thermal baths, physiotherapy, or confinement for the purposes of slimming or beautification.

f) Injury arising due to accident while participating in any unlawful activities (e.g., driving a car without a license), attempted suicide, violation or attempted violation of the law, injuries willfully or intentionally self-inflicted or due to insanity or under the influence of a drug.

g) AIDS and HIV diseases.

h) Any kind of treatment related to eye/dental will not cover.

Q. How does the Customer will know about his/her free insurance facilities eligibility or is there any option to know the charged amount for this service?

Answer: Based on the user’s previous month’s subscription charging deduction amount, on the next month’s 1st day eligible users will get an SMS from our system automatically. This message contains in which plan they got eligible (Silver/Gold/Diamond). Users can also check the insurance status & validity by visiting both WAP & APP.

Q. How will the insurance recipient get the insurance policy benefits? Or what are the ways to receive the insurance benefit amount or where I can submit an insurance claim?

Answer: Please call to Health Plus Service Helpline – at 284777. The supernova claim team will support you by providing all necessary information. It’s a toll-free helpline.

Q. Will Robi health plus service be automatically renewed?

Answer:  Yes, Robi Health plus service subscription will be automatically renewed every day until you deregister from the service.

Q. What is the age limit to avail of insurance coverage?

Answer: The insurer’s age limit is between 18 to 60 Years old.

Q. What will happen if I cancel the Health Plus service before entering any packs slabs?

Answer: if you cancel the service before entering any plan then you will be disqualified to avail of this complimentary insurance benefit and will be treated as a new user.

Q. What will happen if I cancel Health plus service after getting eligibility for any plan?

Answer: If you cancel the service after getting eligibility to any plan with a successful subscription and charging, you would also be eligible to get the benefit for that month. However, after the end of the eligible month (30 Days), you will no longer be eligible to get any benefit.

Q. How long customer must wait to get insurance benefits settlement and what are the maximum days to avail of this benefit?

Answer: It will take 15 working days to complete all these processes. The eligible user needs to submit all the necessary documents for verification. After verifying all the documents by the insurance company, the user will get the insurance coverage benefit accordingly.

Q. What will be the necessary documents for submitting the claim for the insurance policy?

Answer: Following documents need to be submitted with the valid claim –

1.Scanned copy/Photocopy of Claim Form filled up and signed by Nominee.
2.Scanned copy/Photocopy of Death Certificate of the insured from last attending physician/clinic/hospital with registration number mentioning the actual cause of death or certificate issued by Counselor of Ward in City Corporation area, Member of Union Parishad outside the City Corporation and any other legal Govt. authority authorized by the Govt.
3.Scanned copy/photocopy of either birth certificate or secondary school certificate or National ID or passport for identity verification for Insured & Nominee
4.Scanned copy/ photocopy of Photograph of Nominee.
5.In the special case, his/her national identity card/passport for proof of nominee

Q. How user can update His/her information to complete the registration of Life death and accidental death policy coverage?

Answer: All eligible users need to update their information to complete the registration process. They can call the dedicated helpline at any time to update the information and get any query related to their policy scheme. Or visit the Health plus App/WAP profile to update nominee info. Visit to update nomine info from WAP.

Q. If a policyholder occurs accidental death, then is his or her nominee eligible to claim both accidental and general death amount as coverage amount?

Answer: No. the policyholder will be eligible only for accidental death coverage. There is no chance to claim both the amount for a single death case.

Q. How the necessary Papers/Documents/Hardcopy will be handed over to the insurance company for insurance benefits settlement?

Answer: Eligible users will need to call the dedicated call center Helpline: 284777 and will be informed accordingly for the submission of necessary documents. For completion of the rest of the process, he/she will be guided by the call center agent accordingly.

Q. How long will this Service continue?

Answer: This Service will continue until further notice.

Q. Can I avail the service from multiple Robi numbers?

Answer: Yes, service can be availed from more than one Robi number but one NID holder can avail of the complementary benefit of an insurance policy from one Robi number during the coverage period.

Q. Do I need to take an appointment before I call My Health doctor?

Answer: No. after subscribing just dial 28477 or call to doctor option from App ( /WAP ( to talk directly with any available doctor.

Q. Can I talk with the doctor for an emergency case?

Answer: You can consult with doctors but in such emergency cases or life-threatening situation, we strongly advise you to visit your nearest hospital without any delay.

Q. I don’t want to subscribe to the Health Plus service but want to avail the complimentary benefit of the insurance policy, is this possible?

Answer: You need to subscribe to the Health Plus service to avail the benefit.

Q. Can all Robi & Airtel customers avail of the service?

Answer: Yes, any Robi/Airtel customer can avail of this service.

Q. Who is the partner for this service? What is their helpline number? When can we call there? What will be the charge?

Answer:  Supernova Techno Ltd. is the service provider and Pragati Life Insurance Ltd. is the insurance company that will give the coverage to Robi Health plus service users. The helpline number of health plus service is 284777 (Support time 9 am to 11 PM, Saturday to Thursday). It is a toll-free helpline.

Q. Where I can submit the claim form? 

Answer: Courier to Supernova Techno Ltd. office address. Claims department –

  • Supernova Techno Ltd. | High Tower | 8th Floor (Northern Side) 9 Bir Uttam A. K. Khandaker Sarak | Mohakhali C/A | Dhaka 1212
  • Email to Supernova claim team – by writing the subject line as Insurance policy under Robi Health Plus service.

Q. Where I can get additional support?

Answer: Supernova Techno Ltd. will provide dedicated support by email and Call center.