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Game Hub


Game Hub service is an amazing game portal for users. To play games users will not need any installation & plug-in requirements, our HTML5 games support all devices, Platforms & browsers. We are providing a huge collection of games at a low cost. This subscription-based service offers an abundance of different games suitable for all tastes and ages.


  • Full versions
  • No Ads, endless gaming
  • No timers
  • Instant play to all the games without downloads, popups or other distractions.
  • Works across all devices.

Types of Game Offering:

We will provide different types of games for our user:

  • Educational game
  • Hidden Object game
  • Idle Games
  • Informational game
  • Memory game
  • Puzzle games
  • Board game
  • Action game
  • Arcade game
  • Adventure
  • Racing game etc.

How to Subscribe (Web):

  • Go to the link:
  • Register on Web
  • Log in with Phone number and Password
  • Choose one subscription package & subscribe
  • User can pay for this service using h/her mobile balance. So, user needs to have enough balance in h/her phone for subscription.

How to subscribe/Unsubscribe to this service via SMS:

Send SMS Keywords to 22009

Service NamePayment FrequencyActivation KeywordDeactivation
Robi Game Hub Daily1START Game F1STOP Game F1
Robi Game Hub 5 Days5START Game5STOP Game5
Robi Game Hub 15 Days15START Game15STOP Game15

How to subscribe/Unsubscribe to this service via Website:

You can also subscribe & unsubscribe from WAP subscription option (Visit:

Robi data is needed for Subscription & Data charge may apply for browsing WEB. After successful subscription, an user can play games with both WiFi and data.

1. What is My Game Hub Service?

Ans: My Game Hub is an online premium gaming platform where the Robi sim users can enjoy games after subscribing to the service. Game Hub portal offers a wide range of online games.

2. How can I access Game Hub service?

Ans: You can go the link directly to access Game Hub service.

3. What types of games are there in the service?

Ans: You’ll get to play games of almost all genres including Arcade, Racing, Puzzle, Action, Adventure, Sports, Casual etc.

4. How much do I pay for subscribing to My Game Hub Portal?

Ans: We have different subscription plans. User will need mobile data during the subscription process and standard data charges are applied at the time of playing games. You can play the games from WIFI also. Once subscribed you can play games within your validity period.


Price (Without VAT, SD & SC)

BDT 4/day (auto renewable)

5DAYS Pack

BDT 8/day(auto renewable)

15DAYS Pack

BDT 25/day(auto renewable)

5. How can I activate/deactivate to Game Hub service?

There are two ways to activate My Game Hub service. You can activate/deactivate this service through SMS or WAP following instructions mentioned below.

a. Just visit and click on Subscribe button. For deactivation press Unsubscribe button in the same page link.

b. From SMS use the following key words:

Service NamePayment FrequencyActivation KeywordDeactivation
Robi Game Hub Daily1START Game F1STOP Game F1
Robi Game Hub 5 Days5START Game5STOP Game5
Robi Game Hub 15 Days15START Game15STOP Game15

6. What happens if I have low balance at the time of subscribing to the service?

Ans: To subscribe the service, you should have sufficient main balance on your number.

7. Are multiple subscriptions of different plans allowed?

Ans: Multiple subscriptions of different plans are not allowed.

8. Can I download Games from Game Hub portal?

Ans: No game download is not available; you can only play games online from the Game Hub portal.

9. Can I and play games using Wi-Fi?

Ans: Yes, you can.

10. Will I be charged separately for playing games within the portal?

Ans. The subscription plan rate for the service is only for access to the portal. You will be charged for data separately as per your plan for playing game within the portal.